Preparation for life-long learning

COVID - 19
Policies may change as guidelines are updated and issued by the CDC and the state.
GMS is open?
Yes. As state and local mandates allow, GMS is open with all programs and in-person classes. We continue to take the appropriate precautions as outlined by the CDC and state. GMS is not offering split schedules, staggered days or hybrid in-class/virtual learning programs.
Is there a plan if schools are required to close?
Yes. If schools are required to close and we are unable to make up the days within the school year or by extending the school year, GMS will initiate a distance learning program for our Elementary programs that focuses on the growth and development of each student while continuing the Montessori curriculum and methodology. Key elements of the distance learning program would include:
Live, online instruction
Lessons that match up with the students’ current course of study in the classroom
One- on-One Zoom conferences with the teacher
Video lessons for repeated viewing
Weekly student work/ activity plans
Virtual field trips
Materials packets prepared by the teachers for home use
Regular conferencing with parents to provide information and support
Will GMS be offering their full program?
Yes. All programs will consist of in-person instruction and operate on a five-day, full time basis with student enrollment determined by safe distancing guidelines. GMS is not offering split schedules, staggered days or hybrid in-class/virtual learning programs.
What safety protocols will GMS be taking?
GMS will institute a comprehensive COVID mitigation plan that includes the following:
Limited number of students in each designated classroom space.
Classroom spaces and procedures designed to facilitate safe social distancing while allowing students to interact safely.
Emphasis on frequent, proper handwashing by staff and students throughout the school day.
Instruction in how to cover coughs and sneezes.
Intensified cleaning and sanitation practices used by staff throughout the school day.
Thoughtfully presented lessons to help students manage stress and build community during the COVID pandemic.
New procedures for each classroom that minimize the spread of illness, including snack, use of restroom and playground, and classroom materials.
Expanded use of outdoor spaces as extensions of the classrooms.
Will students be required to wear a mask?
Masks are optional for our students, staff and visitors.